Criminal Justice Expert Creates Campaign to Overcome the Opioid Crisis
The opioid crisis has become an American tragedy, taking over 50,000 lives each year due to overdoses. And it’s not just Mexican cartels and gang members who are getting rich over wasted lives.

Reaction to Conviction in Killing by Chicago Police Officer Reflects U.S. Divisions According to Criminal Justice Expert
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Was Chicago white police officer Jason Van Dyke guilty of killing black teenager Laquan McDonald, when he believed the teen was threatening him with a knife? If he was guilty, was the sentence of six years and nine months enough? And did three...Video Campaign on Better Relationship with Cops and Fixing the Criminal Justice System
Can a video campaign to promote citizen-police relationships, reduce crime, and fix the criminal justice system lead to social and political change? That’s the goal of criminal justice expert Paul Brakke, who has been conducting a 6-month video social media campaign based on his latest book: Crime in America.

Police Killed While on Duty Ignored or Falsely Accused in Killings of Citizens According to Criminal Justice Expert
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Both the media and citizens have been overly quick to find the police at fault about some cases where citizens have been killed by the police. Alternatively, the media and many citizens have been quick to blame illegal immigrants as a group when...