by Paul Brakke | Jan 6, 2019 | Media & Press Releases
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Given the power of video, criminal justice expert Paul Brakke has used a video campaign based on chapters in his latest book, Crime in America, published by American Leadership Books. The videos recommend new ways to improve relationships with...
by Paul Brakke | Dec 26, 2018 | Media & Press Releases
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Now that the House and Senate passed the Senate reform bill and President Trump signed it before Congress adjourned for the Christmas holidays, a long-time advocate for the bill, criminal justice expert Paul Brakke, the author of two books on the...
by Paul Brakke | Dec 22, 2018 | Media & Press Releases
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Finally! In an unusual display of BIPARTISANSHIP, on December 20, the House passed the Senate prison reform bill called The First Step Act. It sailed through the Senate by a vote of 87 to 12 and the House by a vote of 358 to 36. The bill is one...
by Paul Brakke | Dec 22, 2018 | American Justice Reform, Media & Press Releases, US Prison system
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Now that the Senate has overwhelmingly passed the criminal justice reform bill backed by President Trump, criminal justice expert Paul Brakke has hailed this effort, which he has long supported in his books and articles about prison sentencing...
by Paul Brakke | Dec 3, 2018 | Media & Press Releases, Opioid Crisis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Everyone agrees there is an opioid crisis in America. As Paul Brakke, publisher of American Leadership Books and author of Crime in America, notes in a chapter in that book, there were more than 72,000 drug overdose deaths in 2017 from both...
by Paul Brakke | Nov 25, 2018 | Media & Press Releases
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Expertclick Link The recent election has revealed the deep divisions in American society, and repeatedly liberal news commentators and pundits have pointed this out. They have talked about the women’s vote leading to more women getting elected to...