In response to the growing immigration crisis at the Southern Border, criminal justice expert and publisher Paul Brakke, publisher of American Leadership Books, has written to President Trump and members of Congress with suggestions on what to do. Now he has gotten praise for his efforts from both President Trump and Senator Tom Cotton, representing Brakke’s home state of Arkansas.

Burbank, CA, USA – July 19, 2014: A protestor stands curbside holding a sign toward traffic which reads, “Secure Our Border – Enforce US Law ” during a rally against illegal immigration and amnesty for undocumented immigrants which took place July 19, 2014 in Burbank, California.
Brakke developed these recommendations based on his research for Dealing with Illegal America and the Opioid Crisis and for chapters in Fractured America and Uncertain Justice, dealing with immigration and the Border crisis. Uncertain Justice was published this year.
In his letter from President Trump, the President thanked him for expressing his “views regarding immigration policy,” and went on to say how his ideas supported his own views on immigration “my first duty as President is to keep the American people safe, and that obligation guides my approach to immigration and border security.”
Like Brakke, he agreed that the Federal Government has to “rigorously vet and screen all foreign nationals seeking entry into the United States, and to keep drugs, criminals, and terrorists from entering our country and threatening our citizens. Additionally, his letter showed his other areas of agreement with Brakke’s approach, since he pointed out: “we must have responsible controls on the future entry of foreign workers to protect jobs and wages for existing United States workers of all backgrounds. I have issued an Executive Order to help accomplish this goal, as I promised during the campaign.”
Arkansas Senator Paul Cotton similarly praised Brakke’s approach and invited him to drop by his office anytime he was in Washington, D.C.
As Cotton wrote: “Thank you for contacting me about U.S. border security. It’s great to hear from you, as always…Like you, I am committed to an immigration policy that will protect our borders, stop illegal immigration, and maintain a strong legal immigration process that serves our national interest… I believe Congress must provide robust funding for border security infrastructure. Please rest assured that I will keep your concerns in mind as the Senate continues to debate these issues in the weeks and months ahead.”
So what did Brakke recommend in a series of white papers, videos, and PowerPoint presentations dealing with immigration, healing the divisions in the U.S., and other topics?
Among his extensive analysis and suggestions are these recommendations:
1) A message to discourage migrants from coming to the U.S. from Central America individually or in caravans to seek asylum are not enough, because coyotes may simply increase their price and deposit their cargo at border locations far more dangerous to the families they transport.
2) Require that all asylum applications be made at their country of origin. If necessary, beef up the staffs at each embassy and consulate in those countries.
3) Indicate by Presidential decree that any asylum application will only be considered for those proficient in English, since if it is necessary to take in asylum seekers, it is better to take in those who can best assimilate into U.S. culture.
4) Deport any asylum seekers at the border back to their country of origin if their proficiency in English is inadequate.
5) Increase the Customs and Border Patrol presence at illegal crossing points to intercept migrant families that try to enter illegally and immediately deport them.
6) Increase the penalties for gang members and drug dealers to convince them to stay out or face the consequences.
He suggestions the following penalties should be quickly implemented through an Executive Order or quickly adopted legislation:
– They should be locked up in solitary confinement in the highest security U.S. prisons or sent to Guantanamo.
– A special criminal court or military tribunal should be established to quickly judge cases where gang members have been accused of engaging in murder and those found guilty should be executed.
– Since these huge gang networks and drug cartels are attacking a helpless population of families and children, which is contributing to the crisis on the border, the U.S. should view these attacks as an act of war in these countries which is directly impacting the U.S.
Accordingly, the U.S. should replace the foreign aid to those countries with an offer to send in troops to assist their police if they invite us to do so, much as was done in years past to help Columbia battle against Pablo Escobar and the Medellin cartel.
– The American troops might not only assist these countries in eradicating the drug dealers, but the troops can help these countries imprison the gang members that are terrifying their citizens, which is causing the migrant family crisis on our border.
In light of the positive response from President Trump and Senator Cotton, Brakke is available to consult with the President and members of Congress to assist in preparing Executive orders or legislation.
Moreover, Brakke has extended his research and recommendations to other topics in the news, now subject to much scrutiny and controversy: healing the divisions in a fractured America and the opioid crisis
For media copies of any of these books, white papers, Powerpoints, along with more information on American Leadership Books and Paul Brakke, and to set up interviews, please contact: