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How the White House Dog Race Is Heating Up (With Video Link)

How the White House Dog Race Is Heating Up (With Video Link)

I’ve been intrigued by the different leadership styles of Joe Biden and Donald Trump, since I wrote a book about leadership styles based on different personality types. While there are a number of personality type profiles, such as Myers-Briggs, Color Profiling, and DISC, I developed a system based on four different dog types and conducted a series of workshops.

Based on this system, Biden is like a Golden Retriever, the supportive-helper type of leader, while Trump is like a German Shephard, the dominant-aggressive type. Both can be effective leaders, but they attract different types of followers. You can see a video about how these different leadership styles are reflected in the just posted video: The White House Dog Race.

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Media & Press Releases

Directing your Life Like a Film Director

Directing your Life Like a Film Director

Now that I’ve written several dozen screenplays and produced 19 films, I realized that directing a film is like making decisions and guiding your life. Much like making good decisions to create a great film, making good decisions can help you live a much better life,...

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Immigration Reform

Global Immigration Crisis Requires Restrictions

Global Immigration Crisis Requires Restrictions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The global immigration crisis is very real and has the potential to destabilize countries around the world, although liberals try to paint any country leaders trying to protect their country as insensitive and even evil. This effort by liberals...

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The Opioid Crisis

The Citizen-Police Divide

Author Paul Brakke

Author Paul Brakke is a scientist based in Central Arkansas.  He became interested in studying the criminal justice system when his life was turned upside down after his wife was falsely accused of aggravated assault

Paul Brakke

American Leadership Books
Little Rock, Arkansas

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