I’ve been intrigued by the different leadership styles of Joe Biden and Donald Trump, since I wrote a book about leadership styles based on different personality types. While there are a number of personality type profiles, such as Myers-Briggs, Color Profiling, and DISC, I developed a system based on four different dog types and conducted a series of workshops.
Based on this system, Biden is like a Golden Retriever, the supportive-helper type of leader, while Trump is like a German Shephard, the dominant-aggressive type. Both can be effective leaders, but they attract different types of followers. You can see a video about how these different leadership styles are reflected in the just posted video: The White House Dog Race.
If you, like the rest of America, watched The Tinder Swindler, then you have probably come to the same terrifying reaction: is this how easy it is to be scammed? Gini Graham Scott, America’s scam expert, was watching too, but she wasn’t surprised because she knows all about common scams just like Simon Leviev’s.
Gini Graham-Scott, author of “the Big Con” and “I was Scammed” talks with Dan Janal about how to spot a scam and how to avoid being scammed on this episode: The “Make My Book A Movie Scam” All Authors Need to Know About
Introducing Crime in America, a new book by American Leadership Books which specializes in books on the U.S. criminal justice system, the U.S. prison system, U.S. corrections system, and the U.S. courts, prosecutors, and defense attorneys. The book is written from a...
Why Many Arrested Can’t Afford Bail is another video based on a chapter in Crime in America. The latest book from American Leadership Books, which specializes in books on the U.S. criminal justice system, the U.S. prison system, U.S. corrections system, and the U.S. courts, prosecutors, and defense attorneys. The book is written from a conservative perspective for those with conservative politics and suggests ways of fixing and reforming the system.
Healing Our Divisions in America is inspired by a chapter on the divisions in American society in Crime America. The book is written from a conservative perspective for those with conservative politics and suggests ways of fixing and reforming the system.