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How AI Got Started
Many people I’ve met think AI got started at the end of 2022, when ChatGPT was first introduced in November that year, and when some AI art platforms — Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and DALL-E — were made available to the general public.
But actually, AI has had a long history, though people didn’t call it that, when it was used for public surveillance systems or in digital assistants like SIRI, designed to answer simple questions, make recommendations, and schedule appointments.
An Overview of Crime in America
Introducing Crime in America, a new book by American Leadership Books which specializes in books on the U.S. criminal justice system, the U.S. prison system, U.S. corrections system, and the U.S. courts, prosecutors, and defense attorneys. The book is written from a conservative perspective and suggests ways of fixing and reforming the system.
Media & Press Releases
The Growing Market for Card & Communication Games and a New Company Creating Games Based on Books & Films
(Original Article on An article was just published in Substack and Medium about the growing market for card...
Immigration Reform
Hispanics Commit More Violent Crime than Whites
While I have previously pointed out that blacks commit the most violent crimes , Hispanic still commit considerably more crimes than whites. Let me explain how I have reached this conclusion through a careful analysis of crime statistics.
The Opioid Crisis
How China Is Using the Death Penalty for Drug Dealers: An Approach that Works
Like Singapore, China has had a long history of capital punishment as a legal penalty for murder and drug trafficking, though unlike Singapore, China uses lethal injection or a gunshot. China executes more prisoners than any other country each year, in part because it...
The Citizen-Police Divide
The Many Hearings a Cop Faces to Determine Guilt or Innocence Many citizens commonly think that the police are getting off easy after an officer shoots a citizen and is judged to not be at fault. While they attribute this result to a biased criminal justice system...
Author Paul Brakke is a scientist based in Central Arkansas. He became interested in studying the criminal justice system when his life was turned upside down after his wife was falsely accused of aggravated assault